fudge packer
Mickey Mouse ring
out of the box
poacher's gun
bear bait
bag of shells
cling to
as in
show one's claws
muss up
for it
cake crumbs
piece of goods
wild pansy
silly bean
take a flyer
look into
wild weasel
piece of shit
piece of junk
make tick
they say
urban lumberjack
chew on
bark dust
in the pocket
in the barrel
shit on
spear biscuits
catch it
gut punch
broom closet
wobbly boots
box and lock
shove it up your ass
in a cleft stick
as well as
chew off
piece of garbage
make no mistake
reckon for
yank someone's chain
wallow in the mire
food truck
on the bum
piece of poop
tell someone where to shove it
piece of trash
put a crimp in
stick to
cake and wine
piece of meat
little pink
on the deck
collect skin
in despite of
top secret
squeeze out
dredge up
paste up
throw something in someone's face
gutter dog
as it were
as it is
feather in one's cap
I'm sure
move furniture
in the middle of
beaver tail
rub off
bowl a googly
dumpster fire
white worm
first thing
ever so
reckon without
slice the pie
stick in someone's throat
slice of the pie
specific activity
main drag
kid glove
carrot bag
guess what
for you
hold it
any more
sewing needle
stone paste
fit in
some old
hold onto
slap in the face
on the door
rake up
hack it
haul out
drag up
fly a kite

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see fudge, packer.'

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