food truck
eat shit
piece of meat
eat it
square meal
eat out
cook up
count chickens
fresh meat
any more
bread and butter
dog's breakfast
well met
see things
cheese eating
answer for
for it
for you
cooking with gas
to pieces
fit in
you know
piece of goods
in the barrel
oil and water don't mix
meat and potatoes
on the wagon
spear biscuits
on the
hot pie
they say
your man
fancy house
come into
just as well
as well as
catch the bus
look to
very well
this much
what's the difference
look into
head butter
paradise nut
quite good
duck soup
that's what's up
sour corn
piece of cake
as in
see you
make for
guess what
just so
oh really
see the back of
I'm sure
Turkish bread
reckon for
what do you know
silly bean
put butter on one's bread
haul out
for a fact
from hunger
cut the cheese
make biscuits
good for someone
coffee shop
of that ilk
French bread
all along
how's that
coined name
let's know
sour cherry
cake and wine
all kinds of
you alright
look around
put aside
haute piece
high note
what was that
right to work
all there
piece of the pie
fancy man
that ain't it
once more
step on
to the brim
ever so
right man
angel food
on someone's back
fun house

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see food, truck.'

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