fly a kite
fly by
catch flies
flying fish
on air
first flight
bounce off
flying dragon
wading bird
play on
follow the wind
play tricks
go tell your mother she wants you
for you
play along
word play
close to the wind
float around
in the field
throw something in someone's face
take a flyer
grasshopper pie
throw back
for it
walk on water
your man
talk to
by oneself
throw about
wild pansy
ground laurel
hang up one's hat
see you
throw up
in despite of
turn with every wind
up in the air
wild life
only move
feather in one's cap
throw some shapes
clown world
boat person
cool it
free helicopter ride
touch grass
flew the kite
stick to
coined name
you know
fly without a licence
blow the roof off
toss around
hang out
reckon for
paradise nut
drop the bomb
lawn sleeves
Malay kite
drop a bomb
as it is
piece of shit
desert rose
travel bug
fishing expedition
very well
flew a kite
catch it
tiptoe around
any more
as in
right man
swinging dick
bowl a googly
come into
flip the bird
just as well
throw shade
as well as
wild rue
on the
upright man
look into
dredge up
is it
one too many
at sea
marsh grass
sea load
hide the ball

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see fly, kite.'

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