flat cracker
hard nut to crack
crack open
flat on one's back
frosted tips
flat out
mountain plum
nail it
bit between one's teeth
lay a foundation
bonus hole
broken man
dig one's heels in
piece of garbage
ground laurel
piece of junk
cold finger
show one's claws
black-hat hacker
sour cherry
kick one's heels
bite the curb
screw you
piece of trash
spare tire
to pieces
on the ground
kick up one's heels
broken arrow
bare metal
piece of shit
break rigor
blank slate
slice of the pie
pure finder
chew on
square rod
slice the pie
top secret
shove it up your ass
run with scissors
plum in one's mouth
scratch an itch
iron ring
work around
piece of goods
screw back
box and lock
turn of foot
take a stab at
square meal
lie behind
tight spot
coined name
deep cut
drop a brick
cut short
run barefoot through
spear biscuits
gold plate
tread on someone's toes
pull apart
on one's plate
point one's toes
outer core
chop it up
bit of fluff
make tick
make a move
tiptoe around
chew off
brass nail
cold roll
switch blade
rotten egg
once more
work out
wallow in the mire
wobbly boots
ground sloth
low-background steel
break the ice
gut punch
string of pearls
cut out
poor boy
ground bass
element zero
silver foil
hard left
soft boy
pull someone's chain
straight lace
bottom drawer
bricks and mortar
space force

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see flat, cracker.'

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