family jewels
family roof
in a family way
pearl necklace
look through
great deal
they say
very well
artist's conception
paper book
historical society
just so
all over
light cone
family celebrant
grand scheme
all the same
you know
quite good
this much
for a fact
stunning and brave
see things
in God's name
head case
star vehicle
angel mom
look to
have one's eye on
best man
light painting
string of pearls
diamond ring
piece of goods
piece of cake
on the
on any view
come into
any more
as well as
rose-colored glasses
in one's book
all along
get onto
little old
put aside
alternative fact
bottom hand
look back
red car
bright shiny object
ever so
as in
coined name
cult film
just as well
to the brim
hold a mirror to
paper flower
special interest
rend one's garments
see you
beautiful people
significance level
trust someone to
fine artist
full name
as it were
light skirt
go at
fancy man
each way
for your information
built different
haute piece
look around
original character
blue light
paradise nut
gold plate
piece of shit
out of the box
witch's hat
high note
put a pin in
look into
not long
look like
big picture
good and
hang up one's hat
old-fashioned look
keep in
foreign affairs

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see family, jewels.'

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