empty nest
blank slate
leave the nest
reckon without
no shit
blank canvas
all there
dead bird
all the same
coined name
full name
without recourse
is it
not see straight
closed form
total clearance
any more
without a hitch
very well
put aside
as it is
in the middle of
how's that
no way
as in
be there
as well as
that ain't it
not for nothing
solitary wasp
speak for
good word
for it
hide behind
first hand
wild pansy
shoot a bird
step off
for you
no big whoop
catch flies
just so
ever so
answer for
on the
hunting cat
in despite of
spoken word
as soon as
this much
wombat trail
yes and no
don't mention it
cool it
hear voices
in the worst way
piece of garbage
any old
chew off
fresh country eggs
not out
that's all
guess what
extra small
extra extra small
bit of fluff
pure finder
keep in
extra extra extra small
take it
fuck off
little person
I'm sure
miss the memo
point of inquiry
fly by
all over
too soon
from the dead
artist's conception
open wide
flat out
dead wood
reckon for
piece of trash
in the field
basement dweller
tight spot
deep cut
they say
sleepy sand
of that ilk
look through
talk to

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see empty, nest.'

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