dumpster fire
spit fire
put out a fire
drop the bomb
drop a bomb
fight fires
add fuel to the fire
die in a fire
give someone the boot
ground sloth
garbage fire
bark dust
lay pipe
piece of trash
smoke-filled room
garden path
blow the roof off
on the ground
front load
guess what
drill rig
drop a brick
send up
hack it
work around
hatchet wound
cooking with gas
dirty laundry
swamp water
piece of garbage
sour cherry
they say
horse piss
marsh grass
bucket head
rake up
shove it up your ass
dredge up
get work done
blow a hole through
shoot off
blow away
cook up
dead wood
shoot up
any more
top secret
leave the nest
piece of cake
cake and wine
I'm sure
dead bird
settle on
put it to
broom closet
let someone have it
not want to do that
shit on
red mud
piece of shit
piece of junk
ground laurel
cigarette burn
kick up
lose one's bottle
home training
dirty linen
garbage collected
step on
go hard
fudge packer
as in
cake crumbs
agree with
coffin corner
hill fire
rural coach
front hole
box and lock
make it rain
suck the air out of
water closet
basement dweller
out of the box
hack away
on the bum
let the cat out

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see dumpster, fire.'

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