dance to a new tune
dance to a different tune
song and dance
let's dance
kick up one's heels
kick one's heels
new legs
rocking stool
in the groove
kick up
make a move
play along
turn of foot
play on
other side
walk in straight lines
walk a straight line
new name
devil dancing
beat out
tiptoe around
throw some shapes
dance on a rope
move around
shove it up your ass
walk the gangplank
angle for
play tricks
beat down
blow away
in concert
on one's side
turn to
any more
show oneself
not see straight
extra extra small
extra extra extra small
walk in
word play
extra small
angle of attack
ground laurel
I'll show you
move furniture
beat it
blow a hole through
left turn
let on
only move
wrong side
shoot off
bend over backwards
rough ride
chest band
get bent out of shape
show one's claws
for it
let slide
throw shade
come up with
wild rue
turn in one's grave
walk through
take a stab at
get one's arms around
extra stitch
throw something in someone's face
move it
throw about
shit on
lost in the sauce
area of influence
all over
rattle one's sabre
rattle the sabre
in sync
main drag
come up
choose sides
in the process of
right side
straight lace
how's that
for you
all along
come forward
street dance
fit to kill
throw up
fall to the ground
beat one's face
move down
rattle a sabre
turn over
on that note
third way
wild pansy
cut some shapes
in fighting trim

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see dance, new, tune.'

As you may have noticed, above you will find words for "Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see dance, new, tune.". Hover the mouse over the word you'd like to know more about to view its definition. Click search related words by phrase or description. to find a better fitting word. Finally, thanks to ChatGPT, the overall results have been greatly improved.

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