damn Yankee
red man
red ball
as much as
as much
muss up
they say
your man
guess what
dick-measuring contest
gut punch
high note
horse dick
boots and all
cow bite
very well
sports fan
that ain't it
silly bean
lick someone's ass
too soon
to go
give paw
just so
come hither
do well
spirit man
don't tell me
far from
on that note
come to
on one's side
on rails
bonus hole
horse piss
red mud
from hunger
for England
swinging dick
first thing
rattle the sabre
fresh meat
suck out
come for
rattle a sabre
come into
at the door
rattle one's sabre
come up
this much
send up
rebel flag
mad cow
gold plate
send away
eat shit
full name
on the bum
shit on
oh really
as far as
red car
you know
reckon without
see things
on the nose
give notice
cat's tongue
family jewels
get onto
go to
any more
captain's try
yank someone's chain
the devil
black lady
new name
old rose
on the door
red dog
beaver eater
piece of shit
I'm sure
hit too close to home
dirty pillow
little woman
by oneself
flamingo tongue
I do
go for
no shit
singing cowboy
screw you

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see damn, Yankee.'

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