cold feet
on one's feet
cold finger
front foot
boots on the ground
dig one's heels in
feet on the ground
tread on someone's toes
point one's toes
kick one's heels
cold back
wobbly boots
turn of foot
pair of shoes
kick up one's heels
cold roll
leg man
my foot
mountain plum
at the feet of
upright man
boots and all
cold reading
winter sun
run barefoot through
walk in
fall to the ground
shove it up your ass
wet blanket
walk in straight lines
walk a straight line
boot room
turn one's coat
show one's claws
walk away
pull apart
mountain apple
in someone's boots
walk in someone's shoes
lift a finger
walk all over
throw shade
coined name
stand with
warm body
bottom hand
break the ice
dead leg
wild cherry
have legs
lead out
arctic bear
high ground
climb down
first hand
fall behind
tight spot
first thing
run deep
red man
hang up one's hat
walk on water
bear bait
kick up
wombat trail
move forward
cut short
lead off
wild rue
deep dive
hatchet wound
move down
get one's leg over
devil's grip
angle for
slap on the wrist
walk through
look out
go narrow
skin a flint
white snow
black thumb
by oneself
once more
tell someone where to shove it
get one's arms around
front hole
settle on
ground beetle
tail between one's legs
each way

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see cold, feet.'

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