chew on
chew off
lick someone's ass
show one's claws
scratch an itch
shit on
piece of shit
cling to
see things
muss up
bite the curb
go on then
bear bait
I'm sure
piece of garbage
eat it
for it
catch it
piece of trash
take a grab
this much
body check
just so
in despite of
thatch weave
once more
go at
oh really
hold onto
eat shit
look to
piece of goods
of a piece
first thing
in a cleft stick
come into
do well
bag of shells
take it
give paw
stick in someone's throat
very well
on that note
piece of junk
gut punch
in the pocket
spear biscuits
to pieces
first hand
rattle the sabre
come hither
rattle one's sabre
monkey lips
step on
any more
rattle a sabre
hold it
you know
do for
on the nose
slice of the pie
slice the pie
hear things
keep someone honest
pill to swallow
pull someone's chain
speak for
let on
shove it up your ass
get the memo
reckon for
hold onto your hat
piece of meat
see you
of that ilk
as well as
pull out
chop it up
devil's grip
make for
they say
coined name
stick to
talk to
on the
on talking terms
go for
haul out
make biscuits
lip flap
extra stitch
put it to
put through
take with
crab claw
all over
use to
on the bum
put a crimp in

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see chew, on.'

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