cat's tongue
cat's claw
cat's eye
great cat
big cat
rub someone's nose in
let the cat out
lick someone's ass
herd cats
black cat
hunting cat
do well
on the nose
see you
first hand
come into
any more
rub someone's face in
thatch weave
they say
as well as
on any view
answer for
pet name
in view of
spoken word
you know
speak for
I'm sure
very well
lip flap
whip the cat
hear things
see things
muss up
for you
contemplate one's navel
lion's mane
is it
on one's side
hear voices
I do
oh really
too soon
all along
for it
do for
in the groove
just as well
chew on
just so
reckon without
well met
chew off
on that note
that ain't it
all there
have one's eye on
butter face
out of sync
slap in the face
all over
flamingo tongue
wild cherry
of that ilk
rattle the sabre
rattle one's sabre
wild rue
stare at the wall
take it
not see straight
ever so
step on
fat cat
come hither
as in
do without
rattle a sabre
bear bait
not want to do that
go towards
lost in the sauce
top edge
this much
look to
contact geometry
wild weasel
go on then
hunting leopard
rub up on
in one's head
up there
lion's den
do it
make for
raise eyebrows
monkey lips

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see cat, tongue.'

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