captain's goal
captain's try
aim at
lead on
shoot through
guess what
in the game
in despite of
serve someone right
lead in
move forward
score points
body check
active shooter
I'm sure
lead out
shoot off
not want to do that
hold onto
hide the ball
team player
for it
to pieces
do one's duty
step on
stick in someone's throat
prepared statement
alternative fact
boat person
to the point
sports fan
good show
in the field
take a flyer
reckon for
lead off
how's that
fit in
see things
show oneself
I can tell you
catch flies
direct registering
on that note
up there
can't seem
in one's head
sea load
senior hurling
what was that
live in
pointy end
make a move
make it
the nerve of
hold it
take it
get ahead of
let's know
lord and master
in state
on the ground
breach of promise
principal part
put on
complete game
all there
red ball
put aside
contemplate one's navel
on rails
piece of shit
yacht person
only move
send up
in the front row
screw back
yacht people
point of inquiry
flying fish
on the
right to life
answer for
come hither
on the nose
swear at
get it on
hatchet wound
be there
beat one's face
square rod
come into
in the line of duty
warning shot
direct provision
chase after
if only
legal notice

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see captain, -'s, goal.'

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