boots on the ground
boots and all
wobbly boots
feet on the ground
kick up one's heels
cold feet
kick one's heels
dig one's heels in
front foot
tread on someone's toes
boot room
turn of foot
on the ground
on one's feet
leg man
on the floor
tail between one's legs
ground laurel
fall to the ground
square rod
spare tire
at the feet of
point one's toes
drop a brick
turn one's coat
dead leg
have legs
high ground
ground bass
shove it up your ass
show one's claws
neutral ground
mountain plum
bottom hand
my foot
horse piss
on the bum
street name
mountain apple
screw back
pair of shoes
ground sloth
bite the curb
bear down
touch grass
hands down
move down
any more
coined name
new legs
give someone the boot
sour cherry
down the road
ground beetle
move it
on wheels
horse manure
kick up
bear bait
only move
hard nut to crack
rake up
wild cherry
lay hands on
drop back
slap on the wrist
the rubber meets the road
lay a foundation
stone paste
garden path
hunting leopard
screw you
walk a straight line
walk in straight lines
all there
run barefoot through
sit on
front hole
pull up a floor
with training wheels
raised fist
cold roll
set point
in a cleft stick
fall behind
nail it
black mud
on the road
put one's hands on
take a knee
climb down
colt's foot
hang up one's fiddle
piece of junk

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see boots, on, ground.'

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