black sand
black body
black top
black thumb
black cock
black mud
black man
sleepy sand
dark space
black dog
collect skin
hot stuff
rub someone's nose in
black cat
ghost skin
stone paste
thick skin
skin a flint
grey amber
black lady
sex on the beach
good and
black triangle
some old
grease spot
all there
dirty pillow
good for someone
wild rue
any more
at sea
piece of shit
hot zone
outer core
wet blanket
wrap one's head around
up there
Prince of Darkness
gut punch
good word
in the middle of
warm body
black sheep
hatchet wound
bark dust
muss up
piece of garbage
some kind of
inner core
cold roll
bare metal
dark night
cold back
a good look
dark star
first night
piece of junk
blank slate
piece of the pie
rub up on
throw something in someone's face
silver foil
red mud
slice of the pie
slice the pie
cold finger
on the ground
they say
quite good
all along
salt the mine
rub someone's face in
I'm sure
cut it close
piece of goods
third way
head butter
wild cherry
wild pansy
shit on
black mirror
open wash
paradise nut
look around
family jewels
hang up one's hat
piece of meat
closed form
on the nose
on the
bare one's breast
dirty linen
main character
hide behind
in a cleft stick
pointy end
look back
night air
on the bum

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see black, sand.'

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