barn doors
on the door
basement dweller
open the door
haunted house
at the door
apartments to let
witch house
big house
in the room
in the house
box and lock
straw bed
front end
on the wagon
coffin corner
clear the neighborhood
fancy house
stare at the wall
dead wood
broom closet
front wall
closed form
rabbit hole
let me see
on the nose
coined name
in the worst way
gutter dog
rake up
tight spot
shit the bed
dream house
knock on the door of
hunting cat
look around
open wide
front hole
dog in the hunt
out of the woods
I'm sure
built different
barrier to entry
bucket head
to the brim
on the ground
stone bow
dark horse
answer for
bottom drawer
fluffy bunny
water closet
as it is
in the middle of
boy hole
get used
garden path
bark dust
be there
safe place
as in
fun house
dirty linen
leave the nest
in one's head
get it
back wall
poacher's gun
yank someone's chain
dirty pillow
yes and no
inner source
red dog
let on
side wall
out of the box
no shit
protected area
witch's hat
let the cat out
horse piss
model village
each way
is it
let us
step off
hide behind
behind the curtain
look through
lay a foundation
let's know
go hard
low-background lead
no way
walk through
empty nest
pet name
see you

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see barn, doors.'

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