at sea
sea load
body of water
navigable waters
hold water
deep water
swamp water
flying fish
water power
hot water
walk on water
close to the wind
gone fishing
wet blanket
running water
very well
for it
come into
just as well
see things
water can
all there
speak for
look back
what was that
up there
look to
just so
over one's head
to pieces
look out
coined name
down there
first hand
come hither
come with
ride the crest of the wave
up in the air
see the back of
put aside
look around
look up
good and
right side
on the
as well as
hot stuff
come up
come for
do well
high note
I'm sure
ocean acidification
to the point
boat person
almost all
is it
sex on the beach
in view of
do for
well met
kid glove
a good look
angle for
do it
on the ground
quite good
water closet
oil and water don't mix
on air
piece of shit
bear bait
on one's side
on that note
fishing expedition
look into
on any view
look down
not so fast
in despite of
all along
any more
talking catfish
of that ilk
abrupt appearance
shit on
all over
come to
best man
yacht people
outer core
up to here
bright shiny object
keep one's head down
open wash

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see at, sea.'

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