ants climbing a tree
search up
wild cherry
wombat trail
elephant trunk
bear fruit
ground beetle
fruit and flowers
hunting cat
mountain apple
garden path
coined name
touch grass
elephant ear
dig one's heels in
red ape
olive branch
armadillo egg
warrior ant
fresh country eggs
plum blossom
bear down
apples and oranges
out of the woods
evergreen oak
angel hair
point of inquiry
run up
pick oneself up off the floor
they say
show one's claws
specific activity
find in
front foot
skin a flint
peaches and cream
front hole
herd cats
terminal leaves
use to
lion's mane
see the elephant
tall poppy
the bee's knees
elephant walk
edible frog
dumpster fire
leave the nest
step on
rye seed
look up
angel mom
all kinds of
piece of poop
full name
open wide
feet on the ground
up there
black beetle
shoot a bird
up in the air
rake up
dead bird
go up for
die on the vine
run by
first thing
look up and down
piece of cake
kid glove
cold feet
boots on the ground
boots and all
mountain plum
wading bird
you know
pure finder
sour cherry
chase after
mosquito bite
play along
suborder Menotyphla
fall up
cat's eye
science experiment
hop on
work in

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see ants, climbing, a, tree.'

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