add fuel to the fire
pour gasoline on the fire
pour fuel on the fire
throw gas on the fire
throw gasoline on the fire
spit fire
put out a fire
fight fires
cigarette burn
dumpster fire
cooking with gas
out of gas
energy level
die in a fire
let's know
smoke dope
small beer
any more
in the barrel
run out of gas
unavailable energy
smoke-filled room
extra small
extra extra small
extra extra extra small
bonus hole
turn up the heat
add to the list
invasive carp
main drag
apparent temperature
hot stuff
guess what
cake and wine
get some
not so hot
food truck
put aside
coined name
top secret
just so
red man
give someone the boot
first night
pour out
red mud
what was that
lay pipe
under the pump
wild cherry
and change
is it
not want to do that
get to know
see things
first thing
drill rig
how's that
significance level
you know
piece of meat
piece of shit
big whoop
power level
too soon
built different
all there
oil and water don't mix
once more
piece of junk
I'm sure
piece of goods
catch fire
drop a brick
snuff out
as in
get used
minor order
blow out
hidden quantity
live in
unknown quantity
direct provision
hot pie

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see add, fuel, fire.'

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