abdominal region
contact geometry
all there
square meal
inner circle
full circle
tract of land
upper storey
in the middle of
outer core
large format
skin a flint
is it
main character
inner source
off one's meds
straw bed
contemplate one's navel
thin section
lay behind
float around
between two stools
on the nose
circle back
elephant trunk
how's that
body of water
inner core
front hole
big picture
I see you
elephant ear
almost everywhere
in sync
thick skin
on the ground
chest band
any more
see the elephant
I'm sure
high ground
long way around
cut some shapes
bottom edge
in the front row
tell someone where to shove it
big cat
in the field
broad shoulders
coined name
be there
in the room
bit of fluff
agree with
in view of
tiptoe around
piece of garbage
body check
of a piece
shove it up your ass
almost all
area of influence
look around
significant figure
as it is
throw about
wrap one's head around
chicken liver
put aside
main sequence
oh really
each way
third place
all along
rub someone's nose in
to pieces
for you
as in
principal part
on the
guess what
hide behind
your man
table stakes

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see abdominal, region.'

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