Mickey Mouse ring
Mickey Mouse hat
fudge packer
ducks guts
duck's guts
ducks' guts
squirrel friend
mechanical game
little pink
rules of the game
Minnie Mouse
iron ring
chicken liver
duck soup
in the game
first thing
black thumb
bear bait
diamond ring
pet name
swinging dick
raise the stakes
warrior ant
hide the ball
take a flyer
circle back
show one's claws
rare bird
as it is
red ball
elevator pitch
wild weasel
piece of goods
word play
play along
count chickens
red-hot poker
specific activity
as well as
rare animal
Mickey Mouse cap
feather in one's cap
whip the cat
poacher's gun
move furniture
red dog
horse dick
on the wagon
fluffy bunny
ticket to ride
grasshopper pie
Jesus bug
throw something in someone's face
bowl a googly
give paw
pony and trap
they say
on the ground
bark dust
Mickey Mouse
first hand
on the
red man
peanut butter and jelly
shoot a bird
main sequence
dick-measuring contest
mouse buttock
clenched fist
give someone a ring
skin a flint
roll in the hay
loaded dice
rocking stool
singing cowboy
spear biscuits
touch grass
arctic bear
kick up
throw some shapes
some old
you know
the rubber meets the road
raised fist
complete game
as in
bear fruit
all along
star vehicle
next big thing
elephant trunk
monkey lips
stick with
stick to
coined name

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see Mickey Mouse, ring.'

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