Hawaiian goose
ducks' guts
duck's guts
ducks guts
duck soup
canary bird
wild turkey
wading bird
rare bird
pet name
dead bird
flip the bird
fluffy bunny
beaver tail
marsh grass
wild goat
they say
fresh country eggs
Beijing duck
see the back of
feather in one's cap
on the nose
bowl a googly
lash back
giant deer
what was that
not long
St. Pete
original character
black sheep
flying fish
on someone's back
chubby bunny
flamingo tongue
shoot a bird
wild pansy
arctic bear
green dragon
ground shark
that ain't it
order Anseriformes
model village
thatch weave
reindeer corn
red mist
you know
significance level
first hand
see things
all along
wild weasel
as it is
back of the book
get some
angel hair
flying dragon
on one's back
look back
Indian whistling duck
dog in the hunt
red dog
all there
almost all
lesser whistling teal
skin a flint
small reed
very well
just so
little person
warrior ant
as well as
swamp water
rare animal
brown crab
in despite of
shark bait
whale tail
big picture
count chickens
is it
pretty well
first night
on one's side
wombat trail
oh really
wild life
tell all

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see Hawaiian, goose.'

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