Greek yogurt
any more
I'm sure
on that note
on the
square meal
sugar pill
what do you know
Turkish bread
of that ilk
Belgian chocolate
French bread
they say
take it
that's what's up
reckon for
oh really
eat shit
made of sugar
bread and butter
waffle maker
take a stab at
how's that
bitter pill to swallow
what was that
spear biscuits
that ain't it
give me
eat it
bowl a googly
no way
just as well
older sister
yes and no
on one's back
grand scheme
bitter pill
shit on
not want to do that
look into
mare's teat
pill to swallow
thick tea
for it
as in
come hither
tiptoe around
some kind of
guess what
you know
let's know
as well as
eat out
just so
all kinds of
other side
porcelain goddess
take a flyer
Dutch oven
take with
make biscuits
almost all
what's the difference
on one's side
this much
fat fantasy
oil and water don't mix
wrong side
not so fast
direct provision
foreign affairs
come into
all along
do well
get onto
if only
come for
come up
cake and wine
silly bean
awesome sauce
thatch weave
cheese eating
get some
as it were
cook up
cunning linguist
go on then
spit out
reindeer corn
I can tell you
golden egg
in despite of
take the L
agree with
for you

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see Greek, yogurt.'

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