German wheel
wheel out
on wheels
spare tire
with training wheels
on the road
on the wagon
the rubber meets the road
rocking stool
ride one's bumper
move furniture
in the groove
hip thrust
switch blade
shove it up your ass
have an accident
down the road
high road
iron ring
put aside
haute piece
wheel-barrow man
for it
brass nail
drill rig
keyboard distance
cylinder head
throw the book at
flip over
roll up one's sleeves
top hand
look into
float around
rotation time
as in
push around
drop a brick
late antique
spare tool
lay hands on
one too many
against the grain
invasive carp
thatch weave
kick one's heels
move around
some old
over the top
put a pin in
rake up
roll in the hay
run with scissors
in Dutch
screw you
put one's hands on
Dutch touch
let's know
on the
take a stab at
as well as
right man
how's that
screw back
low-background steel
yacht people
in the middle of
hard left
wobbly boots
ground hornbill
lift a finger
push in
fourth gear
dance to a new tune
street name
word play
in sync
chest band
fall off one's perch
of that ilk
get bent out of shape
throw back
on the ground
the nerve of
in a cleft stick
specific activity
as it is
throw about
cunning linguist
drop a bomb
each way
boat person
contemplate one's navel
yacht person
get one's arms around
drilling rig
wriggle out of
red car
push through

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see German, wheel.'

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