Dutchman's breeches
in Dutch
Dutch reckoning
English and Welsh
ride one's bumper
reckon for
shit the bed
brown crab
guess what
horse dick
on the bum
new name
wear the trousers
as in
stick to
Dutch touch
spear biscuits
crab claw
silly bean
eat shit
rare bird
coined name
in a cleft stick
old-fashioned look
Belgian chocolate
without a hitch
oh really
come apart
poacher's gun
pumpkin suit
velvet handcuffs
shove it up your ass
piece of trash
right to life
cling to
French bread
take the L
stick in someone's throat
piece of meat
on someone's back
first hand
on the
some kind of
once more
speak for
thatch weave
all kinds of
get some
on one's side
horse piss
in one's head
no shit
weasel word
not long
gut punch
in the middle of
piece of junk
shit on
wallow in the mire
oil and water don't mix
to the brim
get wrong
for it
devil's grip
right side
stick with
coffin corner
see things
answer for
fresh meat
fuck off
urban lumberjack
lord and master
shall we say
as well as
take a stab at
in despite of
ghost skin
straw bed
canary bird
piece of goods
rest of the UK
Prince of Darkness
bit between one's teeth
as far as
scratch an itch
never fear
that ain't it
as it were
coon dick
fuck y'all

English words for 'Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see Dutchman, -'s, breeches.'

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