internal carotid artery
ophthalmic artery
arteria ophthalmica
external carotid artery
external carotid
external maxillary artery
arteria facialis
facial artery
posterior auricular artery
common carotid artery
arteria maxillaris
maxillary artery
supraorbital artery
internal carotid plexus
middle cerebral artery
superior cerebellar artery
lingual artery
arteria lingualis
anterior cerebral artery
innominate artery
occipital artery
supratrochlear artery
arteria angularis
lacrimal artery
arteria lacrimalis
posterior communicating artery
angular artery
anterior meningeal artery
superficial temporal artery
arteria auricularis
plexus caroticus
cerebral artery
inferior cerebellar artery
auricular artery
carotid plexus
meningeal artery
superior laryngeal artery
internal iliac artery
carotid sinus
ciliary artery
arteria centralis retinae
central artery of the retina
perineal artery
arteria cerebri
temporal artery
arteria perinealis
arteria circumflexa scapulae
arteria ciliaris
common carotid
basilar artery
posterior meningeal artery
circumflex scapular artery
splanchnic nerve
labyrinthine artery
internal auditory artery
artery of the labyrinth
brachiocephalic artery
frontal nerve
radial artery
ulnar artery
superior cervical ganglion
arteria labialis superior
superior labial artery
external iliac artery
vena circumflexa ilium
circumflex iliac vein
internal maxillary artery
arteria metacarpea
arteria axillaris
arteria ulnaris
axillary artery
metacarpal artery

English words for 'The inner branch of the carotid artery that supplies the brain, eyes, and other internal structures of the head.'

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