Guillaume de Grimoard
Pope Urban V
Urban V
Western Schism
Great Schism
Aeneas Silvius
Pius II
Enea Silvio Piccolomini
Pope Pius II
Oddone Colonna
Martin V
Pope Martin V
Pope Gregory XII
Angelo Correr
Gregory XII
Leo IX
Bruno of Toul
Pope Leo IX
Pope Pius V
Antonio Ghislieri
Pius V
First Vatican Council
Vatican I
Lotario di Segni
Henry II
Innocent III
Pope Innocent III
Henry II of France
Lateran Palace
Innocent VIII
Pope Clement VII
Clement VII
Giulio de' Medici
Giovanni Battista Cibo
Pope Innocent VIII
Tomasso Parentucelli
Pope Nicholas V
Nicholas V
Bartolomeo Prignano
Clement XIV
Pius VII
Lorenzo Ganganelli
Pope Sixtus IV
Pope Pius VII
Luigi Barnaba Gregorio Chiaramonti
Francesco della Rovere
Pope Urban VI
Sixtus IV
Urban II
Odo of Lagery
Otho of Lagery
Pope Urban II
Urban VI
Pope Clement XIV
Barnaba Chiaramonti
Louis le Hutin
Saint Thomas a Becket
Louis the Quarreller
Louis X of France
Clement III
Guibert of Ravenna
Fifth Crusade
Louis X
Pope Clement III
St. Thomas a Becket
Thomas Becket
Thomas a Becket
Henry IV
Pope Callixtus II
Henry the Great
Henry of Navarre
Pope John XXIII
Guy of Burgundy
Calixtus II
Angelo Guiseppe Roncalli
Henry IV of France
Alessandro Farnese
Paul III
Pope Innocent XI
Innocent XI
Pope Paul III
Benedetto Odescalchi
Pope Leo III
Black Prince
Benedetto Caetani
Gioacchino Pecci
Boniface VIII
Pope Leo XIII
Giovanni Vincenzo Pecci

English words for 'French pope from 1362 to 1370 who tried to reestablish the papacy in Rome but in 1367 returned to Avignon hoping to end the war between France and England; canonized in 1870 (1310-1370)'

As you may have noticed, above you will find words for "French pope from 1362 to 1370 who tried to reestablish the papacy in Rome but in 1367 returned to Avignon hoping to end the war between France and England; canonized in 1870 (1310-1370)". Hover the mouse over the word you'd like to know more about to view its definition. Click search related words by phrase or description. to find a better fitting word. Finally, thanks to ChatGPT, the overall results have been greatly improved.

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