wild teasel
Dipsacus sylvestris
Dipsacus fullonum
common teasel
common comfrey
Symphytum officinale
French honeysuckle
Centranthus ruber
red valerian
purple locoweed
Petasites fragrans
purple loco
winter heliotrope
Oxytropis lambertii
Solidago bicolor
sweet coltsfoot
Dianthus plumarius
Geum canadense
grass pink
white avens
Indian lotus
crown vetch
sacred lotus
cottage pink
Nelumbo nucifera
Coronilla varia
Anemone quinquefolia
gentianella amarella
wood anemone
purslane speedwell
Veronica peregrina
Satureia montana
Satureja montana
lesser wintergreen
rue anemone
winter savory
Pyrola minor
Anemonella thalictroides
Silene caroliniana
Saxifraga oppositifolia
purple saxifrage
wild pink
cushion calamint
flat pea
Verbascum blattaria
basil balm
Clinopodium vulgare
Satureja acinos
mother of thyme
basil thyme
genus Gypsophila
Lathyrus sylvestris
moth mullein
Satureja vulgaris
narrow-leaved everlasting pea
Acinos arvensis
wild basil
Lychins floscuculi
Polemonium van-bruntiae
Polemonium caeruleum
Polymonium caeruleum van-bruntiae
Onopordum acanthium
cotton thistle
field scabious
false dragonhead
ragged robin
white violet
Lychnis flos-cuculi
false dragon head
white prairie aster
Physostegia virginiana
Onopordon acanthium
Jacob's ladder
Viola blanda
cuckoo flower
sweet white violet
woodland white violet
woolly thistle
Aster falcatus
Greek valerian
Scabiosa arvensis
Galium boreale
Northern bedstraw
obedient plant
Scotch thistle
Northern snow bedstraw
Eupatorium perfoliatum
Dutchman's breeches
Dicentra cucullaria

English words for 'European teasel with white to pink flowers; naturalized in United States'

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