Christmas rose
winter rose
Helleborus niger
black hellebore
Lysimachia nemorum
yellow pimpernel
Parnassia palustris
bog star
St. Dabeoc's heath
Connemara heath
Daboecia cantabrica
Narcissus jonquilla
mountain andromeda
Pieris floribunda
mountain fetterbush
Matthiola incana
wild hydrangea
brompton stock
Hydrangea arborescens
French honeysuckle
Myrrhis odorata
red valerian
Centranthus ruber
sweet cicely
Asclepias albicans
greater masterwort
Habenaria albiflora
alkali grass
Carum carvi
Astrantia major
white fringed orchid
Zigadenus elegans
white milkweed
white fringed orchis
Lonicera caprifolium
Italian woodbine
snowdrop windflower
Solidago bicolor
snowdrop anemone
Anemone sylvestris
Italian honeysuckle
Jupiter's beard
European pasqueflower
cross-leaved heath
bell heather
Lonicera canadensis
Myrtus communis
red fox
Pulsatilla vulgaris
common myrtle
American fly honeysuckle
Erica tetralix
Anthyllis barba-jovis
Celosia argentea
fly honeysuckle
Anemone pulsatilla
Pyrola rotundifolia americana
false wintergreen
sweet coltsfoot
mountain avens
Jasmine tobacco
Dryas octopetala
Hydrocharis morsus-ranae
Petasites fragrans
flowering tobacco
Nicotiana alata
Pyrola americana
winter heliotrope
Colchicum autumnale
Pyrola rotundifolia
Lamium amplexicaule
genus Myrrhis
naked lady
wild lily of the valley
Petunia axillaris
autumn crocus
large white petunia
meadow saffron
white mallow
Capsella bursa-pastoris
night jasmine
shepherd's pouch
Cestrum nocturnum
Althea officinalis
Virginia crownbeard
Verbesina virginica
shepherd's purse
marsh mallow
night jessamine

English words for 'European evergreen plant with white or purplish rose-like winter-blooming flowers'

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