long posterior ciliary artery
short posterior ciliary artery
optic foramen
arteria ciliaris
ciliary artery
arteria centralis retinae
central artery of the retina
scleral veins
venae sclerales
central retinal artery
ophthalmic artery
superior oblique muscle
circumflex iliac vein
vena circumflexa ilium
vena cerebri anterior
rectus medialis
inferior rectus
medial rectus
medial rectus muscle
anterior cerebral vein
choroid vein
vena choroidea
supratrochlear artery
ciliary body
lacrimal artery
phrenic plexus
superior rectus muscle
rectus superior
superior rectus
metacarpal artery
vena cephalica accessoria
episcleral veins
accessory cephalic vein
venae episclerales
long ciliary nerve
arteria metacarpea
vertebral artery
capillary artery
vena vorticosum
vortex vein
supraorbital artery
vena nasofrontalis
central vein of retina
ciliary zonule
vena centrales retinae
annulus of Zinn
vorticose vein
ascending palatine artery
nasofrontal vein
basilar artery
carotid artery
ophthalmic vein
lateral rectus muscle
vena ophthalmica
inferior cerebellar artery
deep middle cerebral vein
arteria carotis
lateral rectus
rectus lateralis
abducens muscle
epigastric artery
orbital apex syndrome
arteria ophthalmica
infraorbital artery
arteria epigastrica
down the road, not across the street
labyrinthine artery
arteria axillaris
posterior cerebral artery
axillary artery
vena cerebri media
middle cerebral vein
artery of the labyrinth
internal auditory artery
superior cerebellar artery
inferior rectus muscle
rectus inferior

English words for 'Either of usually two arteries of which one arises from the ophthalmic artery on each side of the optic nerve, passes forward along the optic nerve accompanying the short posterior ciliary arteries, pierces the sclera passing forward on the same side of the eyeball between the sclera and the choroid to the ciliary muscle, and at the junction of the ciliary process and the iris divides into upper and lower branches which anastomose with the branches of the contralateral artery to form a ring of arteries around the iris.'

As you may have noticed, above you will find words for "Either of usually two arteries of which one arises from the ophthalmic artery on each side of the optic nerve, passes forward along the optic nerve accompanying the short posterior ciliary arteries, pierces the sclera passing forward on the same side of the eyeball between the sclera and the choroid to the ciliary muscle, and at the junction of the ciliary process and the iris divides into upper and lower branches which anastomose with the branches of the contralateral artery to form a ring of arteries around the iris.". Hover the mouse over the word you'd like to know more about to view its definition. Click search related words by phrase or description. to find a better fitting word. Finally, thanks to ChatGPT, the overall results have been greatly improved.

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