pitcher sage
Lepechinia calycina
Sphacele calycina
Carpenteria californica
Bloomeria crocea
golden star
golden stars
Penstemon centranthifolius
fringed pink
moss pink
scarlet bugler
ground pink
Linanthus dianthiflorus
white snapdragon
Antirrhinum coulterianum
breath of heaven
cape jessamine
Gardenia jasminoides
cape jasmine
Gardenia augusta
matilija poppy
Romneya coulteri
California tree poppy
giant coreopsis
Coreopsis gigantea
elegant brodiaea
California bluebell
Phacelia campanularia
Brodiaea elegans
Hydrangea arborescens
wild hydrangea
fringe tree
holly-leaved cherry
Clintonia andrewsiana
Andrew's clintonia
Prunus ilicifolia
evergreen cherry
holly-leaf cherry
Mentzelia livicaulis
Mentzelia laevicaulis
blazing star
red Clintonia
Fritillaria parviflora
Canada moonseed
Weigela florida
spreading fleabane
Menispermum canadense
Fritillaria micrantha
Linanthus dichotomus
brown bells
Erigeron divergens
yellow parilla
common moonseed
Symphoricarpos alba
Richea dracophylla
California romero
common snowberry
Australian grass tree
Chionanthus virginicus
Trichostema lanatum
black sage
California sycamore
wooly blue curls
Platanus racemosa
redwood penstemon
red shrubby penstemon
fringe bush
Lychnis alba
Platystemon californicus
pride of California
white campion
Lathyrus splendens
Clethra alnifolia
milk thistle
pepper bush
holy thistle
Fritillaria agrestis
Silene latifolia
bladder campion
white cockle
stink bell
blessed thistle
sweet pepperbush
lady's thistle
white alder
summer sweet
Silybum marianum
Parnassia palustris
evening lychnis
Virgilia divaricata
Our Lady's mild thistle

English words for 'California plant with woolly stems and leaves and large white flowers'

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