dragon's head
Dracocephalum parviflorum
Monardella lanceolata
mustang mint
large yellow lady's slipper
Cypripedium calceolus pubescens
Virginia bluebell
Virginia cowslip
Mertensia virginica
purple sage
downy yellow violet
Ageratum houstonianum
chaparral sage
common ageratum
Viola pubescens
Salvia leucophylla
Nierembergia rivularis
Nierembergia repens
Myosotis scorpiodes
mouse ear
Oxalis violacea
violet wood sorrel
Lobelia siphilitica
blue cardinal flower
mission bells
Fritillaria biflora
great lobelia
black fritillary
Campanula rapunculoides
Fritillaria parviflora
creeping bellflower
Fritillaria micrantha
brown bells
rice-grain fritillary
globe amaranth
Fritillaria mutica
blue fleabane
bachelor's button
Erigeron acer
Fritillaria lanceolata
Gomphrena globosa
Fritillaria affinis
Arisaema triphyllum
Indian turnip
pink fritillary
Penstemon serrulatus
adobe lily
cascade penstemon
common morning glory
blue-eyed grass
Ipomoea purpurea
Arisaema atrorubens
Fritillaria pluriflora
Nemophila aurita
Linaria canadensis
fiesta flower
low-bush blueberry
Vaccinium pennsylvanicum
low blueberry
Phacelia campanularia
blue toadflax
California bluebell
Pholistoma auritum
Vaccinium angustifolium
old-field toadflax
Cornus stolonifera
whorled loosestrife
Cardamine douglasii
Clematis versicolor
Salix lucida
leather flower
purple cress
red osier dogwood
American dogwood
shining willow
red dogwood
red osier
Lysimachia quadrifolia
Cleome pinnata
blue false indigo
desert plume
loosestrife family
Stanleya pinnata
Rydberg's penstemon
Veronica beccabunga
Baptisia australis
European brooklime
Penstemon rydbergii
family Lythraceae

English words for 'American herb having sharply serrate lanceolate leaves and spikes of blue to violet flowers'

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