bush sunflower
California beauty
flannel bush
Platystemon californicus
giant coreopsis
Coreopsis gigantea
golden stars
Bloomeria crocea
golden star
Brodiaea elegans
elegant brodiaea
Fritillaria micrantha
brown bells
Fritillaria parviflora
coast lily
Lilium maritinum
mustang mint
Monardella lanceolata
wood poppy
Stylophorum diphyllum
Mexican bush sage
celandine poppy
pineapple weed
Indian mallow
rayless chamomile
Matricaria matricarioides
Sida spinosa
Eriophyllum wallacei
matilija poppy
woolly daisy
yellow twining snapdragon
red shrubby penstemon
Antheropeas wallacei
wild cotton
redwood penstemon
Antirrhinum filipes
Gossypium thurberi
Platanus racemosa
dwarf daisy
California sycamore
Arizona wild cotton
California tree poppy
Romneya coulteri
pride of California
Pellaea andromedifolia
Haplopappus phyllocephalus
Lathyrus splendens
camphor daisy
Argemone mexicana
coffee fern
Mexican poppy
California sage
California sagebrush
seaside daisy
tree poppy
yellow mariposa tulip
bush poppy
Virginian witch hazel
breath of heaven
Hamamelis virginiana
creosote bush
Erigeron glaucous
Artemisia californica
desert mariposa tulip
beach aster
Calochortus luteus
Larrea tridentata
Calochortus kennedyi
Senecio aureus
golden groundsel
Pholistoma auritum
Cotula coronopifolia
horse nettle
Solanum carolinense
Nemophila aurita
golden ragwort
winter jasmine
Lasthenia chrysostoma
Packera aurea
bull nettle
ball nightshade
brass buttons
ball nettle
Jasminum nudiflorum
Palmer's liveforever
fiesta flower
narrow-leaf penstemon
pink fritillary
California fuchsia
Fritillaria pluriflora
Penstemon linarioides
adobe lily

English words for 'A drought-tolerant shrubby perennial with yellow flowers, native to California and neighboring Baja California, Encelia californica.'

As you may have noticed, above you will find words for "A drought-tolerant shrubby perennial with yellow flowers, native to California and neighboring Baja California, Encelia californica.". Hover the mouse over the word you'd like to know more about to view its definition. Click search related words by phrase or description. to find a better fitting word. Finally, thanks to ChatGPT, the overall results have been greatly improved.

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